Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Ansible Interview Questions

* What is Ansible ?

* What is Configuration Management ?

* Is Ansible only a tool for Configuration Management ?

* What are the components of Ansible ?

* How Ansible works ?

* What are the other tools in market other than Ansible ?

* How Ansible is different from Chef & Puppet ?

* What is Inventory in Ansible ?

* What are the types of Inventories ?

* What is play & playbook ?

* Difference between hosts & groups ?

* What is Roles ?

* How to install a Role ?

* How to install multiple roles ?

* How to create roles ?

* What is Dynamic Inventory & when we use it & for what ?

* Where is the Ansible Configuration file located ?

* What are the different ways other than SSH by which Ansible

 can connect to remote hosts ?

* What is variable in Ansible ?

* What are different types of variables ?

* How to assign variables in group vars & hosts vars ?

* Difference between File & Template directory in Roles ?

* Difference between default & vars directory in Roles ?

* What is pre task & post task ?

* How you can run your all tasks at once ?

* What is block in Ansible ?

* What are different variable scopes ?

* How variable precedence takes place ?

* Difference between include & import ?

* How to include custom modules in Ansible ?

* Describe the role directory structure ?

* What is Jinja 2 template ?

* What is modules in Ansible ?

* Difference between COPY & FILE modules ?

* Difference between SHELL & COMMAND modules ?

* What is Setup module ? what it does ?

* What is register & debug in Ansible ?

* What is changed_when in Ansible ?

* Can we disable automatic facts gathering in Ansible ?

* How error handling can be done in Ansible ?

* How to ignore failed commands in Ansible ?

* What is handlers ? Why we use Handlers in Ansible ?

* What is Privilege Escalation in Ansible ?

* Task to connect(SSH) Ansible to remote host using another user &
 run the playbook to the remote host using with another user ?

* What is Ansible vault ?

* How to decrypt a vault file ?

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