Showing posts with label Build tool. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Build tool. Show all posts

Friday, April 17, 2020

Install Ant in Ubuntu 16.04/18.04/20.04 Machine

  • ANT stands for another neat tools
  • It is java based build tool from Apache Software Fundation
  • Ant uses build.xml file 
  • Ant was created by james duncan davidson
Ant- Build Files:
  • Ants build file is called build.xml should reside in base directory(base directory means where the source code will maintained) of the project
  • In build.xml or any xml file it start with an xml tag project name and target a single project can have multiple targets
  • There should be no blank lines or white spaces before the xml declaration


    We can install ANT in different ways, those are 1. Using "apt" command module
                                                                                 2. Using "distribution method"

Here, we will see both the ways how to install ANT.


Java should be install in the server.

Step 1: Update the Server 

$ sudo apt update -y 
Step 2: Install Java latest version, basically this command will install JAVA Runtime Environment
$ sudo apt install default-jre
Install Apache ANT in Ubuntu using "apt" command module
Step 3:  Update the Server Install Ant
$ sudo apt update 
$ sudo apt install ant -y
To verify the Ant installation
$ ant -version
Install Apache Ant Using "Distribution Method"
Step 1: Enter into the "opt" directory
cd /opt/
Step 2:  Download the tar or zap source file from
$ sudo wget
Step 3:  Exatract the zip file or tar file
Step 4: Add the ANT_HOME path.
$ sudo ANT_HOME=/opt/apache-ant-1.10.5
Step 5:  Now export the PATH
$ sudo PATH=$PATH:${ANT_HOME}/bin
Step 6: Now enter into the apache-ant-1.10.5
cd apache-ant-1.10.5
Step 7:  Now, Run the below command to start the "Build"
$ sudo ant -f fetch.xml -Ddest=system

Sunday, April 12, 2020

How to Install ANT(Build Tool) in CentOS machine

  • ANT stands for another neat tools
  • It is java based build tool from Apache Software Fundation
  • Ant uses build.xml file 
  • Ant was created by james duncan davidson
Ant- Build Files:
  • Ants build file is called build.xml should reside in base directory(base directory means where the source code will maintained) of the project
  • In build.xml or any xml file it start with an xml tag project name and target a single project can have multiple targets
  • There should be no blank lines or white spaces before the xml declaration
Ant Installation In CentOS Machine

Step 1: Update the Virtual machine
$ sudo yum update -y 
Step 2: Enter into the "opt" directory
cd /opt/

Step 3:  Download the tar or zap source file from
Step 4:  Exatract the zip file or tar file
$ sudo unzip

Step 5: Add the ANT_HOME path.
$ sudo ANT_HOME=/opt/apache-ant-1.10.5
Step 6:  Now export the PATH
$ sudo PATH=$PATH:${ANT_HOME}/bin
Step 7: Now enter into the apache-ant-1.10.5
$ sudo cd apache-ant-1.10.5
Step 8:  Now, Run the below command to start the "Build"
$ sudo ant -f fetch.xml -Ddest=system

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