Friday, April 17, 2020

Install Ant in Ubuntu 16.04/18.04/20.04 Machine

  • ANT stands for another neat tools
  • It is java based build tool from Apache Software Fundation
  • Ant uses build.xml file 
  • Ant was created by james duncan davidson
Ant- Build Files:
  • Ants build file is called build.xml should reside in base directory(base directory means where the source code will maintained) of the project
  • In build.xml or any xml file it start with an xml tag project name and target a single project can have multiple targets
  • There should be no blank lines or white spaces before the xml declaration


    We can install ANT in different ways, those are 1. Using "apt" command module
                                                                                 2. Using "distribution method"

Here, we will see both the ways how to install ANT.


Java should be install in the server.

Step 1: Update the Server 

$ sudo apt update -y 
Step 2: Install Java latest version, basically this command will install JAVA Runtime Environment
$ sudo apt install default-jre
Install Apache ANT in Ubuntu using "apt" command module
Step 3:  Update the Server Install Ant
$ sudo apt update 
$ sudo apt install ant -y
To verify the Ant installation
$ ant -version
Install Apache Ant Using "Distribution Method"
Step 1: Enter into the "opt" directory
cd /opt/
Step 2:  Download the tar or zap source file from
$ sudo wget
Step 3:  Exatract the zip file or tar file
Step 4: Add the ANT_HOME path.
$ sudo ANT_HOME=/opt/apache-ant-1.10.5
Step 5:  Now export the PATH
$ sudo PATH=$PATH:${ANT_HOME}/bin
Step 6: Now enter into the apache-ant-1.10.5
cd apache-ant-1.10.5
Step 7:  Now, Run the below command to start the "Build"
$ sudo ant -f fetch.xml -Ddest=system

Sunday, April 12, 2020

NFS Server Installation

Important files for NFS Configration

  • /etc/exports: Its a main configuration file of NFS, all exported files and directories are defined in this file at the NFS Server end.
  • /etc/fstab: To mount a NFS directory on your system across the reboots, we need to make an entry in /etc/fstab.
  • /etc/sysconfig/nfs: Configuration file of NFS to control on which port rpc and other services are listening.

To setup NFS mounts, we’ll be needing at least two Linux/Unix machines. Here in this tutorial, I’ll be using two servers.

             NFS Server: with IP-

             NFS Client : with IP-

At NFS Server End

Step 1: As the first step, we will install these packages on the CentOS server with yum
#      sudo yum install nfs-utils -y
Step 2:  Now create the directory that will be shared by NFS
#  sudo mkdir /var/nfsshare
Step 3: Change the permissions of the folder as follows:
# chmod -R 755 /var/nfsshare
# chown nobody:nobody /var/nfshare

NOTE: We use /var/nfsshare as shared folder, if we use another drive such as the /home directory, then the permission chnges will cause a massive permissions problem and ruin the whole hierarchy. So in case we want to share the /home directory then permissions must not be changed.

Step 4: 
#      PATH=$PATH:${ANT_HOME}/bin

How to Install ANT(Build Tool) in CentOS machine

  • ANT stands for another neat tools
  • It is java based build tool from Apache Software Fundation
  • Ant uses build.xml file 
  • Ant was created by james duncan davidson
Ant- Build Files:
  • Ants build file is called build.xml should reside in base directory(base directory means where the source code will maintained) of the project
  • In build.xml or any xml file it start with an xml tag project name and target a single project can have multiple targets
  • There should be no blank lines or white spaces before the xml declaration
Ant Installation In CentOS Machine

Step 1: Update the Virtual machine
$ sudo yum update -y 
Step 2: Enter into the "opt" directory
cd /opt/

Step 3:  Download the tar or zap source file from
Step 4:  Exatract the zip file or tar file
$ sudo unzip

Step 5: Add the ANT_HOME path.
$ sudo ANT_HOME=/opt/apache-ant-1.10.5
Step 6:  Now export the PATH
$ sudo PATH=$PATH:${ANT_HOME}/bin
Step 7: Now enter into the apache-ant-1.10.5
$ sudo cd apache-ant-1.10.5
Step 8:  Now, Run the below command to start the "Build"
$ sudo ant -f fetch.xml -Ddest=system

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Ansible templates

Ansible templates:
  • Templates will copy the source file to the target host destination.
  • While the template module gets executed it will read the template file and change all the variables to its value and copy the file to the target host.
  • Template file ends with .j2 extension which stands for Jinja2 templates.
Create a directory.
#mkdir templates
Sample template file.
#vi templates/file.j2


<h1> Hello! Venkat </h1>

<h1> GoodDay {{username}} </h1>

Ansible Templates in Playbooks:
#vi playbooks/pb1.yml

- hosts: dev
- username: Venkat
- file_path: /var/www/html
- name: Copy site files
src= templates/file.j2
dest= {{file_path}}/index.html mode=0777
–> Use template module to copy the template file and the variables used in the template.

Ex-2: To change Tomcat port
#vi templates/demo.j2


<Connector port= "{{myport}}"
protocol= "HTTP/1.1"

(server.xml content)
After changing the Port edit the playbook.
#vi playbooks/pb2.yml
- hosts: web
become: true
- myport: 9090
- file_path: /etc/tomcat7/
- name: to update packages
apt: update_cache=yes

- name: to install java
state: latest

- name: to install tomcat
name: tomcat7 
state: latest
- name: to change tomcat port
src: templates/demo.j2
dest: {{file_path}}/server.xml
- restart tomcat

- name: restart tomcat
name: tomcat7
state: restarted

Ansible Roles

<Ansible Playbooks                                                                                                                      Ansible Templates>
  • Ansible roles are the organized way to perform the tasks in different playbooks according to their functionality in a directory structure way.
  • Roles allow you to call a set of variables, tasks, and handlers by simply specifying a defined role.
  • In the role file inside every directory, there is a main.yml file.
  • By default, the execution starts from the main.yml file.
Ansible Role Directory Structure:
Mainly ansible roles contain below the directories below.
  • Tasks (a series of tasks are defined here)
  • Handlers (All handlers are defined here)
  • vars (all the variables are defined here)
  • files (all the files will be placed inside this directory)
  • meta (It is used to declare role dependences and information about a role)

#vi playbooks/pb1.yml
 - hosts: dev 
   remote_user: root 
     - myrole
Create the directories in the role directory.
#cd playbooks
#mkdir -p roles/myrole/{files,handlers,tasks,vars,meta}
Create task files.
#vi roles/myroles/tasks/main.yml

- include: pack_install.yml
- include: deploy_app.yml
Create the installation files.
#vi roles/myrole/tasks/pack_install.yml

- name: install {{pack1}}
  name: {{pack1}}
  state: latest
  when: ansible_distribution=='Ubuntu'
   - start apache2

- name: install {{pack2}}
  name: {{pack2}}
  state: latest
  when: ansible_distribution=='Ubuntu'
  - start tomcat

- name: install {{pack3}}
  name: {{pack3}}
  state: latest
  when: ansible_distribution=='Ubuntu'
  - start mysql

Create deploy file.
#cd /playbooks/roles/myrole/tasks

#vi deploy_app.yml

- name: to deploy index.html
    src: index.html
    dest: /var/www/html/index.html

- name: to deploy sample.war
    src: sample.war
    dest: /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/sample.war
Create handlers file.
#vi roles/myrole/handlers/main.yml

- name: start apache
  name: apache2
  state: started

- name: start tomcat
  name: tomcat7
  state: started

- name: start mysql
  name: mysql
  state: started
Create variables file.
#vi roles/myrole/vars/main.yml

pack1: apache2
pack2: tomcat7
pack3: mysql-server
Create sample files.
#vi roles/myrole/files/index.html

<h1> Hello from ansible role</h1>
See the files in the files directory
#vi playbooks/roles/myrole/files# ls

index.html  sample.war
Check the syntax
#ansible-playbook playbooks/myrole.yml --syntax-check
Execute the Roles
#ansible-playbook playbooks/myrole.yml

Role tree Structure:
After creating the roles directories and all files, the tree view will display like the example below.
Common role directory tree structure
<Ansible Playbooks                                                                                                                     Ansible Templates> 

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Ansible Tool Introduction

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