#Elasticsearch #Installation #CentOS #RHEL
What is Elasticsearch?
Elasticsearch is a distributed, RESTful search and analytics engine capable of addressing a growing number of use cases. As the heart of the Elastic Stack, it centrally stores your data for lightning fast search, fine tuned relevancy, and powerful analytics that scale with ease.
Now, we will see how to install the Elasticsearch in CentOS and RHEL servers. Basically, we have to install JAVA has to be prerequisite for Elasticsearch. So first we will install Java and setup the environment variables and then install the Elasticsearch with respect to basic production configuration.
To setup the Elasticsearch we require Java need to installed in Elasticsearch stack, using following steps we will be able to install the java.
Step 1: Installing the openjdk 1.8 in the elasticsearch server
a) update the server and install java with below command.
$ sudo yum update
$ sudo yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk -y
b) Once installed the java, check the java version using below command
$ sudo java -version
c) After validating the java version , configure the java home to use in run time in .bashrc file
$ sudo update-alternatives --config java
$ sudo vi .bashrc
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-
d) Execute the .bashrc to enable the java home
$ source .bashrc
Elasticsearch Setup:
Once the Java setup is completed, we need to setup the elasticsearch using below steps
Step 2: Before installing Elasticsearch, add the elastic.co key to the server.
$ rpm --import https://artifacts.elastic.co/GPG-KEY-elasticsearch
Step 3: Now, Download the Latest RPM of Elasticsearch
Step 4: Install the Downloaded RPM
$ rpm -ivh elasticsearch-7.9.1-x86_64.rpm
Step 5: Now go to the configuration directory and edit the elasticsearch.yml configuration file. Enable the below lines in configuration file
$ cd /etc/elasticsearch/
$ vim elasticsearch.yml
bootstrap.memory_lock: true
xpack.monitoring.enabled: true
network.host: localhost
http.port: 9200
http.max_content_length: 1.6gb
And Save the file.
Step 6: Now edit the elasticsearch.service file for the memory lock configuration. Uncomment LimitMEMLOCK line or if it is not there please add this line to limit session
$ vim /usr/lib/systemd/system/elasticsearch.service
Step 7: Edit the sysconfig configuration file for Elasticsearch. Uncomment line 60 and make sure the value is 'unlimited'.
$ vim /etc/sysconfig/elasticsearch
Step 8: Reload systemd, enable Elasticsearch to start at boot time, then start the service.
$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
$ sudo systemctl enable elasticsearch
$ sudo systemctl start elasticsearch
Step 9: To check the elasticsearch is running or not. Check the listening port with 9200
$ netstat -lntp
Step 10: Then check the memory lock to ensure that mlockall is enabled,
$ curl -XGET 'localhost:9200/_nodes?filter_path=**.mlockall&pretty'
$ curl -XGET 'localhost:9200/?pretty'
Next: Kibana Installation in CentOS